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Set up self-id prompt and voicemail greeting

Modified on: Wed, 27 Dec 2023 11:59 AM

For voicemail to work properly, you need to setup both your self-id prompt (a recording of you saying your name) and your voicemail greeting (the message callers hear when you don't answer).

  1. Press the MESSAE button on your desk phone
  2. Enter your voicemail PIN followed by #
    (Ask IT if you don't know your PIN)
  3. Press 9 for options
  4. Press 5 to change self-id prompt
  5. Press 0 to record a new self-id prompt
  6. Say your name and press #
  7. Press 0 to save self-id prompt
  8. Press # to exit self-id options
  9. Press 8 to change your greeting message
  10. Press 0 to record a new greeting message
  11. Say your greeting and press #
  12. Press 0 to save greeting message
  13. You are now finished and can hang up
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